About Me

Ludmill Cakalli was born in Albania in 1958. He starts his studies to the Academy of The Opera and Ballet Theatre of Tirana under the guidance of Miltiath Papa – premier danseur of Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow – and Daku Shtuni. He graduates in 1978 with full marks.

After acquiring the degree, at the age of 20, he became member of the Corp de Ballet like soloist and in the meanwhile, despite his young age, he was appointed teacher of the Ballet Academy of The Opera and Ballet Theatre of Tirana.

During this period he got acquainted with Tatiana Albana Sulejmani, prima ballerina of The Opera and Ballet Theatre of Tirana with whom he got married in 1985.
In 1989 she was appointed from Albanian government as “Artista al Merito” of Republic of Albania.

In 1980 he becomes “premier danseur” and in the following years performed all the leading roles of most popular Ballets such as Basilio in Don Quixote, Albrecht in Giselle, Rome in Romeo and Juliet and all the other principal roles of Albanian national ballets.
Despite Albanian government restriction, he also performed worldwide:

in 1972 in China (Beijin, Shangai, Changchun, Chagsha, Nanjing etc);
in 1983 Germany (Munich, Hamburg, Wiesbaden);
in 1984 in Turkey (Ataturk Theatre di Istambul, Tekirdag etc);
in 1985 in Grecia (Athens, Thessaloniki, Patrass etc);
in 1990 – 1991 in Italy.

In 1985 he was appointed Maitre de Ballet and he becomes assistant choreographer of the main choreographer of The Opera and Ballet Theatre of Tirana.

In 1989, thanks to the scholarship given him from Albanian government he had the extraordinary possibility to attend a specialization course at Teatro alla Scala of Milan. After coming back to his country he was appointed Vice-Director of The Corps de Ballet of The Opera and Ballet Theatre of Tirana.

In the ’90 he decided to move to Italy with his family.
Once in Italy he started teaching in several Italia ballet schools such as “Accademia di danza città di Vercelli” directed by Pilar Sanpietro e “Taniez Club” directed Annarita Federico.

“Maitre de Ballet” at Teatro alla Scala of Milan (1996-98)

From 1996 to 1998 Ludmill Cakallli attended the specialization course for “Maitre de Ballet” at Teatro alla scala di Milano, he took the degree with full grades.
During this period he studies with teacher of international fame.

Bellet: B. Ratchinskaja, V. Verdy, L Araujo, A. Labis, G. Vintila, F. Beamish, P. Dobrijevic, B. Curry, P. Schaufuss, T. Harm, W. Burmann e P. Neary
Contemporary Dance: S. Beltrami
Barre par Terre: A. d'Orsay
Flamenco: F. Roberto
Character Dance: L. Alexandrescu
Historical Dance: B. Ratchinskaja
Mime: Flach
Laban Notation: S. Della Pietra
Musical Analysis: M. Fortuna
History of Ballet: M. Pasi ed E. Vaccarino
Anatomy: W. Albisetti e P. Rossetti
Psychology: Ceriani
Stagecraft: A. Chiodi

The attendance to this course widen and improve his knowledge regarding specific tecniques adopted in the European countries.
In particular he pays special attention to French and Danish schools and over all to new trends set by “young” American school.

He was deeply impressed by anatomic studies done by Stanley Williams and decided go deep to the heart of this subject applying it to dance technique.

Another important person influenced him: George Balanchine a man that made a radical change to traditional ballet. Starting from the figure of this genie, Ludmill Cakalli developed a thesis entitled “Balanchine: from Russia to America” in which he explains his theories about the importance of a particular muscle usage.

This thesis was presented to Scala Theatre Commision and gathered a wide interest.

All those intense studies, joined to the experience of teaching and dancing, lead to the creation of an absolutely unique teaching style.

“Balanchine: from Russia to America”

Very often, most of ballet teacher discuss about the usage of certain exercises or how to make student’s muscles work in the best way.

Ludmill Cakalli published his thesys, having more than 20 years experience as a dancer and ballet teacher behind him. This idea took shape thanks to the attendance of the specialization course at The Scala of Milano and also thanks to the consultancy of some professors of medicine such as Dr. Walter Albisetti. The aim of this effort was to set some concepts that are on the basis of ballet teaching. Those concept are firmly used during Cakalli’s lessons and nowadays are a source of inspiration for many teachers.

In fact, the studying of ballet supposed to make all bodies muscles works: “Volunteers Muscles” are stronger and easier to stimulate and to control, instead “Involuntary Muscles” are thinner, hidden and more difficult to stimulate and to control.
The ballet method developed by Ludmill Cakalli lead the students to acknowledge the existence of Involuntary Muscles with ad hoc barre excersies in order to reach better results in muscle power but above all more aestherically pleasant.

Scuola di formazione per le arti M.A.S Music Arts and Show di Milano

Starting from 1998 he teaches ballet at M.A.S. (Music Arts and Show) the most important and biggest multidisciplinary school of Italy.

There, his Master Classes are one of the most followed in whole Milan. During this classes usually a lot of important dancers take part such as Luciana Savignano, Marco Pierin…and all the dancer coming to Milan for their tournée.

From 2006 he becomes Art Director of one of the 3 academies set by Mas named “Preparazione Mas”.

Workshop and Dance Competition

From 1990 until today he attend as guest teacher for several Workshop in all Italy. He also participate as Judge a lot of Dance Contest.

Ostuni Festival – Ostuni (1991)
Stage danza Classica – Calonge Spagna (1991)
Danza Estate Sardegna – Oristano (from 1999 to 2006)
Stage internazionale di Danza presentato da Spazio Danza – Grosseto (from 2003 al 2011)
Armonia Dance Festival – Mondovì (from 2003 to 2007)
Sanremo in danza – Sanremo (from 2004 to 2006)
Weekend in Palcoscenico – Pinerolo (from 2004 to 2009) - www.weekendinpalcoscenico.it
Porto San Giorgio in Danza – Porto San Giorgio (from 2002 to 2010)
Primavera Dance Academy – La Spezia (2006)
Festival Della Danza – Albenga (2006)
Angels Dance – Zanica (2006)
Selvino Crazy Dance – Selvino (2007) - www.crazylife.it/selvcrazy.htm
Arte in Movimento – Avellino (2007 and 2009) - www.arteinmovimento.net/danza
Spazio in Danza – Lodi (from 2008 to 2011) - www.spaziodanzalodi.com
Vivi la danza Valsesia – (2008) - www.viviladanza.it
Erice Danza – Erice (from 2008 to 2010) - www.ericedanza.it
Dance on Stage – Milano (2008 and 2010)
Danza in Fiera – Firenze (2009)
Ordinary out Dance – Verona (from 2009 to 2011)
Moncalvo in Danza – Moncalvo (from 2009 to 2010) - www.moncalvoindanza.it
Arte Danza Novara – Novara (from 2009 to 2011) - www.artedanzanovara.com
Bls – Cantù (from 2009 to 2010)
Arte Danza Padova – Padova (2010) – htto://artedanzapadova.it
Ballet Studio – Padova (2010) - www.balletstudiodanza.it
TALENTDANCE presentato da Etoil d’Ilir – Guidonia (2010)
Centro Studi M.A.D. – Reggio Calabria (from 2010 to 2011)

Dance Conpetition
Weekend in Palcoscenico – Pinerolo (from 2004 to 2009) - www.weekendinpalcoscenico.it
Danzando Sotto le Stelle – Cinisello Balsamo (2004)
Premio Danzando – Offanengo (from 2005 to 2010)
Festival Ballet – Massa Carrara (2006) - www.festivalballet.it/2006/personaggi.php
Valsesia danza – Valsesia (from 2006 to 2009) - www.viviladanza.it
Concorso Erice Danza – Erice (from 2008 to 2010) - www.ericedanza.it
Spazio in Danza – Lodi (from 2008 to 2011) - www.spaziodanzalodi.com
Novara in Danza – Novara (from 2009 to 2010) - www.novaraindanza.com
Moncalvo in Danza – Moncalvo (from 2009 ro 2010) - www.moncalvoindanza.it
Firenze&Danza di Saschall – Firenze (from 2009 ro 2011) - www.firenzedanza.it/index.html
Chiavari in Danza – Chiavari – Presidente di Giuria (2010)
Tripudium Ballet – Milano (2010) - www.tripudiumballet.it
Dance Machine presentato da MAS – Milano (2010)
Crystal of Dance – Prorto san giorgio (2010)
Concorso Bolzano Danza – Bolzano (2010) - www.bolzanoconcorsodanza.it/giuria.html
Dance Style – Milano Idroscalo (2010) - www.midancestyle.it
Crazy Dance Contest – Milano (2010)
Livorno in Danza – Livorno (2011) – www.areadanzalivorno.it

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