domenica 3 aprile 2011

"Dragon Quest": the Videogame becomes Ballet

Dragon Quest is a well-known japanese RPG videogame saga born in 1986.
After 10 years of successes, in 1995 The Dragon Quest Ballet (choreography by Minoru Suzuki 鈴木稔; すずきみのる) performed by Star Dancers Ballet of Japan make his debut.
Music has been composed by master Koichi Sugiyama (椙山 浩一; すぎやま こうい). This music is so poetic, epic and funny at the same time that is perfect to become a ballet.
All of the music for the Dragon Quest series has been composed by Koichi Sugiyama.
The ballet is not following any of the storylines from the videogames.
Dancer's technique is very good and I'm sure you will enjoy watching it.

(per leggere il post in italiano clicca sulla bandierina)

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